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8 Tips to Prevent Joint Injury


You wake up to see the sun barely shining through the curtains. It’s still early, which means the streets will be quiet and uncrowded. You lace up your running shoes as you sit on the front porch. The warm morning air is interrupted by a gentle breeze. It’s the perfect day for a run.

A few miles in, you’re beginning to get that “runner’s high,” and you couldn’t think of a better day to be outside getting some exercise. It’s therapeutic, peaceful and…POP…painful!

You went from a nice, relaxing jog to the fetal position in a moment flat. What just happened?

You’ve just experienced a joint injury. Joint injuries are incredibly common and can happen at any time with little or no warning. Yet, there are ways to protect yourself from these orthopedic injuries.

  1. Stretch: Before you embark on anything physical, take a moment to loosen up your muscles by stretching.
  2. Warm up: Take it slow when you start any workout. For the first five minutes go easy or use lighter weights. Take the time to cool down as well, much like your warm up, just tone it down for a few minutes before you stop exercising.
  3. Maintain a healthy weight: Being overweight or obese can put a stress on your joints that they aren’t strong enough to handle. You can set a healthy weight goal with your doctor.
  4. Exercise: Strengthening the muscles around your joints can go a long way toward protecting them. If the joint is better supported, even if you injure yourself, it is likely to be less severe.
  5. Take precautions: When bending, twisting or walking on uneven surfaces, take care to go slow and be safe. It only takes a moment to do serious damage that can take months to heal.
  6. Don’t overexert: Your body does have limits. When you take on too much physical activity, you open the door to a number of injuries such as stress fractures and muscle strain. Taking on too much activity could prevent you from being active, so take it easy.
  7. Use proper gear and form: Wear appropriate shoes and replace them when they start wearing out. Wear clothes that don’t restrict movement. Know the right way to do your exercises. Proper form can save you a lot of pain.
  8. Listen to your body: If an exercise hurts, stop doing it. Pain is your body’s way of warning you that something isn’t right.

Before you begin any new workout program you should check with your doctor to be sure you are healthy and prepared for the exertion. When you decide to take those ski runs or tennis lessons, you don’t want to do more damage than good. Your doctor can help you decide on a workout that will strengthen muscles to prevent future joint injuries.

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