8 Tips to Prevent Joint Injury
You wake up to see the sun barely shining through the curtains. It’s still early, which means the streets will be quiet and uncrowded. You lace up your running shoes as you sit on the front porch. The...
View ArticleThe Dangers of “Fad” Diets
The New Year has come and reality has set in. That “fad” diet you started—determined to lose 30 pounds—has come and gone as well. A fad diet is a diet that has no real scientific basis, and quickly...
View ArticleHealth Benefits of Aerobic Exercise
What if we told you that the key to living longer and feeling younger had been found? Would you do anything about it? What if we told you that it could be as simple as exercising for just 30 minutes a...
View ArticleI Heart
…and you should too. They’re silently doing a job that no one else wants to do and not complaining. Not only that, but there are two, so if one slacks off the other one can pick up the load. Pretty...
View ArticleYou + Exercise = ☺?
We all know that we need to exercise to stay healthy. The benefits of good, regular exercise are numerous and well demonstrated. But how do you know which type of exercise is best for YOU (and we mean...
View Article5 Keys to a Healthy Heart
Do you know which organ is the body’s strongest? How about which muscle does the most work over the course of a lifetime? If you guessed the heart, you are correct. Tipping the scale at a mere 11...
View ArticleCramp…That Hurts!
How to Avoid Running Cramps Ever been in a groove while running? Early morning air, sun rising over the mountain, and you just think: Life’s good. That is until the sharp pain runs through your body....
View ArticleHydration How To’s
Salt. The familiar taste trickles down your rough, cracked lips in small beads of sweat from your upper lip. With each new strike of the foot, small dust clouds rise up from the dry dirt. Your muscles...
View ArticleThe Hot and Cold Game – Do You Ice or Heat a Running Injury?
If you’re an avid runner, or if you’re getting ready to run RAGNAR this June, you might want to take some time away from training for a few minutes to read this: Running is awesome exercise. It’s good...
View ArticleGetting More Exercise Out of Daily Activities
At Brigham City Community Hospital, we understand it can be hard to find time to exercise. But our exercise champions say it’s easier than you think – if you apply activity into your normal schedule....
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